Anxiety & Depression Tests

Performing and evaluating anxiety and depression tests in rodents can be a challenging task. Scantox therefore offers only behavioral tests that are proven to reliably generate robust data about anxiety and depression phenotypes. These tests were already successfully validated in house.

Anxiety and depression are complex mental health conditions affecting millions of people worldwide. Although the two conditions are different from each other, there is a significant overlap between them in terms of the pathology. Both can be stand-alone conditions or a symptom of another disease. The latter is commonly observed in neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases, such as Parkinson´s diseaseAlzheimer´s diseaseHuntington diseasefragile X syndromeautism spectrum disorders and many more. Although exact mechanisms are not fully understood, it is suggested that anxiety and depression are caused by a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Due to the complex nature of these diseases, treatment still represents a challenge. Anxiety and depression tests are widely used in pharmacological research to evaluate the characteristics of drug candidates for the treatment of these conditions in rodent models. These tests can provide valuable insights into the compound’s potential clinical utility. While anxiety and depression tests provide essential information it is important to note that none of these tests can fully capture the complexity of the conditions. Typically, a combination of tests and other behavioral measures are needed to gain a more comprehensive understanding of anxiety- and depression-like symptoms, and to evaluate the efficacy of drug candidates.

We are happy to receive your inquiry to elaborate on the most efficient options for your in vivo study and to complement behavioral testing with immunohistochemical, biochemical, and molecular biological techniques.

We offer various tests to evaluate depression- and anxiety-like behavior in rodents. Can’t find what you are looking for? We are constantly establishing new tests and would be glad to develop tests according to your requirements.