Pasta Gnawing Test

The Pasta Gnawing Test is a stress-free behavioral test suitable for evaluation of motor deficits in rodents.

During the test, the rodents receive a dry spaghetti in their home cage and gnawing noises of the animals while eating are recorded. Parameters such as biting speed and number of bites per chewing episode are evaluated.


Evaluation of biting peaks in the pasta gnawing test in TAR6/6 transgenic mice. Biting peaks per episode of TDP-43 transgenic TAR6/6 male animals in the pasta gnawing test compared to ntg littermates. n = 10 – 15 per group; Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test; ***p<0.001. Sonogram with gnawing events: 


See wavesound file for auditory record!

See wavesound file for auditory record!

Line 61 tg (3 months)

Line 61 ntg (3 months)