The Scantox scientist team are frequently presenting their findings with posters at industry relevant events around the world – either as E-posters or on the classic event poster walls.
Abstract: Mating of Göttingen Minipigs at Scantox for use in embryofoetal development studies
Ellemann-Laursen, Sisse* Scantox A/S, Denmark
The small size, microbiologically defined health status, and the many similarities to human make the Göttingen Minipig an ideal animal model in many types of biomedical studies. Early onset of sexual maturity compared to other large animal species, duration of gestation, and litter size, as well as the susceptibility of the Minipig to known human teratogens make the Minipig the logical economical and scientific alternative to other species for developmental and reproductive toxicology studies [1]. Knowledge of estrous synchronisation and mating procedures are essential for assuring the most optimal timelines for embryofoetal development studies…..
[1] Jorgensen KD, Minipig in reproduction toxicology. Scand J Lab Anim Sci 25: 63-75, 1998
[2] S5 (R3 guideline)