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Animal Welfare

Before any new drug or therapy is brought to market, regulations are in place for test phases to identify any health or safety risks as well as the effectiveness of the new product. The regulations typically require testing in animal models, and when this is required, the research is highly regulated to ensure responsible, humane and ethical treatment.

As a preclinical contract research organization, Scantox has a responsibility to ensure the well-being of all animals in our care. We constantly strive to go beyond regulatory requirements when it comes to animal welfare as we believe it is essential for our business and our core values, as well as ensuring higher quality of science and a better working environment for our staff. This commitment is materialized at all of our sites where we have established local animal welfare bodies but also a global animal welfare committee to share experience and best practices for the benefit of our animals. 

The conduct of studies using experimental animals is in Denmark licensed by The Animal Ethics Council (Rådet for Dyreforsøg) and in Sweden by the Animal Ethics Committee (Djurförsöksetiska Nämnden), and are performed in accordance with the Danish and Swedish Laws on Animal Experimentation (LBK nr. 474 af 15/05/2014 and BEK nr. 2028 af 14/12/2020 and L150, Statens jordbruksverks föreskrifter och allmänna råd om försöksdjur, SJVFS 2019:9), the European Directive (2010/63/EU), as well as internationally accepted principles for the care and use of laboratory animals.

Our animal facility in Austria is AAALAC accredited and provides in vivo services within CNS diseases, Rare Diseases and Mental Disorders. Animals are housed under SPF conditions in IVC systems with regular health monitoring.

Expert staff

Our team of trained and experienced animal technicians and veterinarians conduct professional handling and care of all our research animals to ensure their optimal health and well being. We are dedicated to provide optimal housing, handling and nutrition to our animals.

Scantox works at all times to apply the 3R principles (replacement, reduction and refinement) in the studies that we conduct.

Photo: Courtesy of Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs

The Scantox staff is dedicated to ensure the best care and welfare of all laboratory animals in our facilities.

3R – Replace, Reduce, Refine

The Scantox Animal Welfare Group is constantly working on ways to apply the 3R principles in all studies conducted.

Replace: Living and sentient laboratory animals should be replaced as far as possible with non-sentient alternatives

Reduce: The intended experimental goal should be achieved with as few animals as possible

Refine: The experimental animals used are treated as gently as possible. This refers to the entire life of the animal – breeding, transport, husbandry, testing, and, if necessary, life ending.