Good Laboratory Practice

Scantox offers services in compliance with the globally accepted OECD GLP.

In Denmark, Scantox A/S has been licensed by the Danish Medicines Agency (DMA) and The Danish Accreditation Fund (DANAK) for more than 25 years. Scantox A/S is inspected by the Danish Authorities every second year. In addition to the authority inspections, we are routinely inspected by client quality assurance. GLP certificates from the monitoring authorities are available upon request.

In Sweden, Scantox Sweden (formerly: Adlego Biomedical AB) has equally been licensed by SWEDAC to operate in compliance with the principles of GLP as established by the OECD and the European Community.



Scantox A/S has an on-site GLP compliant archive. Study materials are archived for the duration requested by the Danish authorities but can be extended for any duration according to client needs.

We are always at your service for more information.