APP-SAA Knock-in Mouse Model

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of memory loss and dementia. The pathological characteristics of AD are based on protein aggregates in the brain that include amyloid plaques containing amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptides and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) consisting of hyperphosphorylated tau.

The APP-SAA KI mouse carries a humanized Aβ with Swedish (KM670/671NL), Arctic (E693G) and Austrian (T714I) mutation. Humanization was reached by adding R684H, F681Y, and G676R mutations to the mouse Aβ precursor protein (APP).

The most important characteristics of APP-SAA KI mice are:

  • Increased Aβ42/40 ratio in brain, CSF, and plasma at 2 months
  • Amyloid plaques detectable at 4 months
  • Increased neuroinflammation at 8 months

Animals also develop dystrophic neurites and increased tau and neurofilament light chain levels in the CSF at the age of 8 months.

So far, we did not validate the phenotype of APP-SAA Ki mice at Scantox Neuro, but we would be happy to do so in a collaborative project. Please check our R&D corner for details about our currently active R&D projects.

Scantox offers a custom-tailored study design for APP-SAA KI mice, and we are flexible to accommodate your special interests. We are also happy to advise you and propose study designs. Animals will be purchased right after your order. APP-SAA KI mice show relevant features of AD starting at 2 months of age. Based on various options to study the pathology of APP-SAA KI mice, your study will be customized according to your requirements.

We are happy to evaluate the efficacy of your compound in the APP-SAA KI mouse model! The most common readouts are:

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