GLP OECD 471 Ames Test

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The OECD 471 Ames test, a bacterial reverse mutation assay, is the most commonly requested genotoxicity study in regulatory testing frameworks and has been used for decades. The test investigates the ability of test substances to cause specific mutations in Salmonella or E. coli strains that allow them to then grow on selective agar plates. Used to detect DNA reactive mutagens, which have the potential to be highly potent in vivo, Ames positive results are taken very seriously when assessing safety.

Scantox has conducted these studies to GLP since 2014, and our senior study director has been working on Ames tests for over 40 years, meaning we have exceptional experience in this area.

OECD 471 Ames Test StrainsTA98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537, TA102, TA97, TA97a, uvrA/pKM101, WP2 pKM101, WP2 uvrA
Metabolic activationTypically induced rat liver S9, though other
sources are available
Test FormatPlate incorporation, pre-incubation
Typical test item requirements1.5g
Formulation AnalysisAvailable upon request

GLP OECD 471 Ames Test with Enhanced Conditions

The standard test conditions recommended in the Ames OECD 471 guideline are reported to have reduced sensitivity when assessing some N-nitrosamines or N-nitrosamine drug substance-related impurities (NDSRIs). To reliably detect the mutagenic potential of N-nitrosamines and NDSRIs, the FDA recommends that a negative result in a standard bacterial reverse mutation assay be followed by a second Ames test with enhanced testing conditions.

Scantox has optimized the OECD 471 Ames Test with Enhanced Conditions, which involved the generation of historical control data for rat and hamster S9 at 30% concentration and the full validation of two N-nitrosamines as additional positive controls.

Study FormatSingle Mutagenicity test
Tester StrainsTA98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537 and WP2 uvrA pKM101.
Test MethodThe pre-incubation method, with 30 minutes pre-incubation time.
Metabolic ActivationWithout S9; with rat S9 (30%); with hamster S9 (30%). S9 will be PB-NF induced.
SolventWater or lowest possible dosing volume of organic solvent.
Additional Positive ControlsN-nitroso-dimethylamine (NDMA) and 1-Cyclopentyl-4-nitrosopiperazine