General Health & Activity Levels

Scantox offers several customized and validated behavioral tests to phenotype mouse and rat models and to provide the information needed to ensure reliability and validity of your research. We support you to make informed decisions throughout the experimental process.

By measuring general health and activity levels, the following information can be obtained:

  • Animal well-being: by monitoring general health, any signs of distress, illness, or injury are noted. Using the Irwin test, parameters such as body weight, body temperature, fur condition, grooming behavior, balance, and overall appearance are assessed. The latter allows the determination of the animals’ health status and the evaluation of their ability to tolerate experimental conditions. The glucose tolerance test is a valuable tool when researching metabolic diseases, while the nest building test is indispensable for gaining insight into motivation and natural behavior.
  • Baseline condition: defining baseline values for general health and activity is important to make meaningful comparisons throughout the study.
  • Disease and treatment efficacy: health and activity levels are critical indicators of disease progression and treatment efficacy. For example, changes in activity levels, commonly measured with the open field test, can be indicative of pain, neurologic impairments, or side effects of drug candidates.
  • Pharmacokinetic and toxicity profile of drug candidates: changes in activity levels or other health parameters can help determine the appropriate dosage, evaluate the safety, and identify any potential toxicity of drugs candidates.
  • Behavioral profile of an animal: alterations in activity patterns can indicate the effects of disease characteristics, environmental factors, or therapeutic interventions on rodent behavior.

Next to these well-known and standardized tests, continuous home cage tracking of animal’ well-being can be performed using the paper-pencil method of selected readouts such as facial expressions, grooming status, aggression, body posture, movement, stereotypical behavior, play behavior, and many more.

Can’t find what you are looking for? We are constantly establishing new tests and would be glad to develop tests according to your requirements.