
Scientific Posters

Scantox encourages its scientists to publish and disseminate the results of their high quality research which is mostly done in close collaboration with our clients.

TitleYearScantox Business UnitDiseaseModelKeywordsAuthorsAffiliationsMore detailshf:tax:divisionhf:tax:diseasehf:tax:model
Longitudinal Analysis of a Nitroglycerin-Induced Mouse Migraine Model2024Grimace scale, Grooming, Light/dark box, Sex differences

Aaron Fantina-Woblistin, Livia Breznik, Laurenz Jauk, Magdalena Daurer, Roland Rabl, Tina Löffler, Manuela Prokesch

Scantox Neuro GmbH, Neuropharmacology, Grambach, Austria
Comparative Analysis of In Vitro Systems for TDP-43 Pathology2024, , , , TDP-43, Stress granules, Cryptic splicing, Sodium arsenite

Stefanie Krassnig, Tina Loeffler, Irene Schilcher, Irantzu Perez Ruiz, Magdalena Daurer, Stefanie Flunkert, Manuela Prokesch

Scantox Neuro GmbH, Neuropharmacology, Grambach, Austria als frontotemporal-lobar-degeneration pdipscs neuroblastoma-cells
Behavioral and Histological Hallmarks of an Intrastriatal Rotenone Mouse Model for Parkinson's Disease2024Rotenone, ER-stress, intrastriatal injection, motor deficits, neuroinflammation, neurodegeneratios

Paula Jauregi1,2, Roland Rabl1, Magdalena Daurer1, Livia Breznik1, Stefanie Flunkert1, Boris Chagnaud2, Manuela Prokesch1

1 Scantox Neuro GmbH, A-8074, Parkring 12, Grambach, Austria
2 Institute for Biology, Karl-Franzens University Graz, Graz, Austria
LPS and Pre-Aggregated Aβ1-42 Lead to an Increased Neuroinflammatory Response in Cerebral Organoids2024, Neuroinflammation, LPS, Aβ1-42, cerebral organoids

Izaskun Itxaso1,2, Tina Loeffler1, Irene Schilcher1, Magdalena Daurer1, Stefanie Flunkert1, Boris Chagnaud2, Manuela Prokesch1

1 Scantox Neuro GmbH, A-8074, Parkring 12, Grambach, Austria
2 Karl-Franzens University of Graz, Institute of Biology, Graz, Austria neuroinflammationcerebral-organoids
Viral Gene Delivery Approach to Mimic α-Synuclein Pathology in a Preclinical Model for Parkinson`s Disease2024Unilateral, substantia nigra, AAV-vector, caudate putamen

Stefanie Krassnig, Tina Loeffler, Magdalena Daurer, Livia Breznik, Joerg Neddens,
Stefanie Flunkert, Manuela Prokesch

Scantox Neuro GmbH, Neuropharmacology, Grambach, Austria
Characterization of an Inducible AAV9-hTDP-43 Mouse Model for ALS2024Neurodegeneration, motor deficits, astrocytosis, atrophy, motor cortex

Benedikt Kien, Livia Breznik, Magdalena Daurer, Tina Loeffler, Laurenz Jauk, Stefanie Flunkert, Manuela Prokesch

Scantox Neuro GmbH, Neuropharmacology, Grambach, Austria
Advancements in Preclinical Gene Therapy2024, , Compound administration routes, surgery techniques, in vivo CSF sampling, cell viability, toxicology, MTT assay, antisense oligonucleotides (ASO),

S Sharghi1, M Daurer1, T Loeffler1, S Flunkert1, D Brunner1, L Bruhn Madsen2,
M Prokesch1

1 Scantox Neuro GmbH, A-8074, Parkring 12, Grambach, Austria
2 Scantox Denmark ApS, Hestehavevej 36, 4623 Lille Skensved, Denmark cell-line rats
AAV-Human A53T-Mutated Synuclein Disrupts Nigro-Striatal System in Mice2024Parkinson's disease, pathology, histology, unilateral, substantia nigra, caudate putamen

Ewald Auer, Tina Loeffler, Magdalena Daurer, Livia Breznik, Joerg Neddens, Stefanie Flunkert, Manuela Prokesch

Scantox Neuro GmbH, Parkring 12, 8074 Grambach, Austria
Modeling Depression in Rats: Chronic Corticosterone Administration as a Tool for Antidepressant Efficacy Assessment2024Behavior, Sucrose preference, Open field, Forces Swim test, Grooming, Coat Score

Ewald Auer, Aaron Fantina-Woblistin, Livia Breznik, Magdalena Daurer, Stefanie Flunkert, Manuela Prokesch

Scantox Neuro GmbH, Parkring 12, 8074 Grambach, Austria
Accelerated Aging and Senescence in Cerebral Organoids2024D-Galactose induction, senescence

Tina Loeffler, Izaskun Itxaso, Irene Schilcher, Irantzu Perez Ruiz, Magdalena Daurer, Stefanie Flunkert, Manuela Prokesch

Scantox Neuro GmbH, Parkring 12, Grambach, Austria
In Vitro Systems Targeting TDP-43 Translocation, Stress Granules, and Stathmin-2 Splicing2024, mRNA, alternative splicing, translocation, stress granule formation, cytosolic, nuclear

Andy Brown1, Tina Loeffler2, Irene Schilcher2, Irantzu Perez Ruiz2, Igor Cancar2, Magdalena Daurer2, Stefanie Flunkert2,
Manuela Prokesch2

1 Scantox Denmark ApS, Hestehavevej 36, 4623 Lille Skensved, Denmark
2 Scantox Neuro GmbH, A-8074, Parkring 12, Grambach, Austria ipscs
Mating of Göttingen Minipigs at Scantox for use in embryofoetal development studies 2022Estrous synchronization

Ellemann-Laursen, Sisse

Scantox A/S, Denmark