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GreenScreen HC & BlueScreen HC

BlueScreen™ HC and GreenScreen® HC are high-throughput gene reporter assays, developed by Scantox, which measure increased transcription of GADD45-alpha – a key event in the cellular response to genotoxic stress and damage.

Service infomation

BlueScreen™ HC utilises a luciferase reporter whilst GreenScreen® HC is based on GFP. The attractive signal-to-noise ratio from the luminescence reporter has made BlueScreen the go-to method. However, the reagent-free detection of GFP means GreenScreen can still be a useful alternative.

Both assays have the advantage of high sensitivity and high specificity compared with the in vitro regulatory battery assays, reducing the number of misleading positives early in compound development. The assays have been extensively validated across a wide range of applicability domains, demonstrating high utility and accuracy for the screening of genotoxic hazard.


BlueScreen™ HC and GreenScreen® HC services are offered with rapid delivery of high specificity data with minimal compound consumption.  As the originators of these assays, Scantox has unique knowledge and expertise in the performance of these assays and data interpretation.

Notice: Gentronix Limited is a part of Scantox Group and these services are offered by Gentronix.

Gentronix Limited wishes to make readers of its website aware of the following information:
The not-for-profit organization Clean Production Action ( based in the United States provides a hazard assessment and decision support method for the evaluation of chemicals (GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals). This method should not be confused with GreenScreen® HC from Gentronix, which is a human cell-based reporter assay for the determination of genotoxic hazards.
Both Gentronix and Clean Production Action acknowledge the use by the other of the GreenScreen trademark in their respective fields.